A beanbag-style armchair and an upholstered stool under a parasol on a terrace

A beanbag-style armchair and an upholstered stool under a parasol on a terrace

N° de l'image: 11506400
Type de licence: Droits gérés
Photographe: © living4media / Jalag / Szczepaniak, Olaf
Droits: Cette image est disponible pour un usage exclusif.
Droits de modèle: Non-disponible
Droits de propriété: Le droit n'est pas encore disponible. Merci de nous contacter avant utilisation.
Print size: approx. 28,9 × 43,35 cm at 300 dpi
Adapté pour des formats jusqu'en A4

Prix pour cette image

(Journaux, Livres, Livres pratiques, Magazines etc...)
à partir de 40 €
(Annonces, Cadeaux d'entreprise, Cartes, Magazines, Menus etc...)
à partir de 45 €
Produits commerciaux
(Calendriers, Cartes postales, Cartes de vœux etc...)
à partir de 60 €

Series Icon Cette image fait partie d'une série

A beanbag-style armchair and an upholstered stool under a parasol on a terrace Spring cleaning a terrace with a vintage metal bucket and cleaning on a garden table White flowers and herbs in grey terracotta pots on a garden table Garden chairs and a table on a terrace with a white painted pergola frame and paving slabs Scented herbs in a zinc tub and hanging flowerpots on a terrace A chair and a table with a bucket and cleaning products on a terrace A table laid on a terrace with chairs with coloured cushions under a pergola with light curtains on a white frame White cosmea and herbs on a garden table White cosmea and herbs in grey in grey terracotta pots on a terrace Cream cheese and fresh fruit in a bowl and on a plate on a tray A grey painted potting table as a serving table with Thermos flask, cooking utensils and crockery on a table Striped cups, a Thermos flask and yellow plums on a white tray A stack of cushions on a chair on a sunny terrace Grey painted flowerpots with a brush on a terracotta bowl in the foreground Canterbury bells in a bowl A wooden terrace with green plants and a privacy fence

Mots clés

balcon Barrières en bois Chill-out clôture en bois coupure décolleté Découpe Découpure détail détendu Échancrure ensoleillé Extérieur fauteuil fleur fleur en pot lanterne mur de protection en béton apparent parasol part personne Place à l'ombre Pouf poire printemps seau en zinc seaux en zinc Série terrasse

Cette image fait partie d'un reportage

Easter Al Fresco

11506395 | © living4media / Jalag / Szczepaniak, Olaf | 35 images

Celebrate this spring holiday outdoors

No matter what the weather does, Sandra has decided to have her Easter celebration outside. She begins by teasing her terrace out of its winter hibernation. Once the furniture is cleaned and arranged, she can begin with her Easter decorations.
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